The presidential board of Leibniz University Hannover decided, besides further actions, to cancel all exams due to the Corona virus SARS-CoV-2. The Institute for Wind Energy Systems fully supports this decision: All persons are responsbible to limit and delay the propagation of the virus. Hence, we do not carry out any oral exams for the time being. We apologise for the inconvenience. As soon as we know the new dates for the exams, we will inform our students via StudIP.
The Institute further asks the students to ask for consultation appointments, if needed, via e-mail. Until further notice, we do not carry out fixed or spontaneous consultation hours. Moreover, we ask everybody to comply with the current conduct recommendations, i. e. at least 2 m distance to other people, increased hand hygiene, etc.
Leibniz University Hannover communicates important information on the current status all around the Corona virus on the central website under