CRC 1463: Lecture Series Wind Energy, Round 3

CRC1463, Announcement of the Lecture Series Wind Energy on Wednesday, November 17 2021 2-3:30 pm, lecturers: Arndt Hildebrandt and Boso Schmidt, Topic: Stochastic modelling of environmental conditions CRC1463, Announcement of the Lecture Series Wind Energy on Wednesday, November 17 2021 2-3:30 pm, lecturers: Arndt Hildebrandt and Boso Schmidt, Topic: Stochastic modelling of environmental conditions CRC1463, Announcement of the Lecture Series Wind Energy on Wednesday, November 17 2021 2-3:30 pm, lecturers: Arndt Hildebrandt and Boso Schmidt, Topic: Stochastic modelling of environmental conditions

On Nov. 17, 2021, the lecture series of the CRC 1463 continues with a presentation of Prof. Arndt Hildebrandt and Dr. Boso Schmidt.

The third presentation of the Lecture Series Wind Energy of the CRC 1463 takes place on Nov. 17, 2021, at 2 pm. Prof.  Arndt Hildebrandt und Dr. Boso Schmidt give a joint presentation entitled "Stochastic modelling of environmental conditions". In the design of offshore structures, the determination of environmental conditions including stochastic variations is of utmost importance. We are looking forward to an interesting presentation. The lecture series takes place at Nienburger Str. 1-4, building 3101, room A104. All master students in engineering disciplines are cordially invited.

You can find the program of the lecture series on the website of the CRC 1463: Program Lecture Series