Students on the campus: Welcome again!

Piktogramm zur 3G-Regel Piktogramm zur 3G-Regel Piktogramm zur 3G-Regel

Education starts into the winter term 2021/22 – in presence, face to face. For that purpose, everybody must comply with 3G rules.

Since three semesters, we see our students only via webcam. Personal exchange, face to face dispute, discussion and discourse – that did (almost) not exist for a long time. We are looking forward that we can start again and that we can welcome our students in person soon.

That is enabled by the 3G rules that apply since October 4th, 2021 in all buildings of the University. Only persons who are fully vaccinated, recovered or tested are allowed to enter the holy halls of LUH. And that''s good! For returning to presence education, we need reliable and safe conditions for the students and our employees. That''s why we support the 3G rules explicitly. We hope that students and guests pull together with us solidarily to make the University a safe place. For further information on regulations and restrictions due to the COVID19 pandemic, please visit the respective FAQ of LUH.

At IWES, we would like to support also those students who cannot be vaccinated or who have concerns in sitting together with other students in a lecture hall or a seminar room. Our online material that we have developed in the last 1.5 years will thus be accessible as well. That material can certainly also be used by students who join the lectures and tutorials for deeper and repeated learning. In this way we try to ensure the best possible support.