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The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Abraham Lincoln

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Engineering Insights and Dynamics in Offshore Mussel Farming

© LuFI (2023)
a) Schematic view of soft and hard biofouling on dropper line with real-life examples of (b) green-lipped mussels (perna canaliculus) and (c) blue mussels (Mytilus edulis).

Dive into the depths of marine aquaculture dynamics! The surge in demand for marine proteins, coupled with stagnant wild fish catch, propels the growth of bivalve farming. But with near-shore space running scarce, research is venturing offshore.

In our study, using cutting-edge results from our large-scale wave tank facility (GWK), a novel numerical model to estimate the forces on submerged dynamically moving mussel dropper lines is introduced. Drag and inertia coefficients (CD = 1.1 and CM1.7, respectively) are recommended for modeling. The numerical model, based on a modified Morison equation, considers mussel dropper line displacement.

Aquaculture-related parameter influences are discussed, providing engineering insights for optimal mussel aquaculture placement in the water column.

Landmann, J., Flack, C., Kowalsky, U., Wüchner, R., Hildebrandt, A., Goseberg, N.
Hydrodynamic coefficients of mussel dropper lines derived from large-scale experiments and structural dynamics. J. Ocean Eng. Mar. Energy (2023).