Current Research Projects
Analysis of Non-Proportionalities in Fatigue Loads of Wind Turbine Rotor BladesIt is inevitable to know in detail the qualitative behaviour of fatigue stress time series in order to choose an appropriate fatigue analysis framework. This research project considers the quantification of the degree of non-proportionality in fatigue stress histories for adhesive joints in wind turbine rotor blades.Led by: Claudio BalzaniTeam:Year: 2017Funding: Internal ProjectDuration: since 2017
© IWES / Michael Wentingmann
Action Plane-Based Fatigue Analysis of Adhesive Joints in Wind Turbine Rotor BladesAdhesive joints in wind turbine rotor blades are subjected to non-proportional and multi-axial stress histories. These falsify the validity of fatigue life assessments employing classical global failure criteria. In order to increase the reliability of such fatigue analyses, the Institute for Wind Energy Systems develops action plane-based fatigue analysis concepts.Led by: Claudio BalzaniTeam:Year: 2017Funding: Internal ProjectDuration: since 2017
© IWES / Michael Wentingmann
Material Modeling on the Microscale by means of High-Resolution X-Ray MicroscopyIn order to bridge the boundaries of rotor blade scalability and to increase the reliability of wind turbines, a deep understanding of the utilised materials is of utmost importance. Employing high-resolution X-ray microscopy, the microstructural heterogeneities of materials is visualised in 3D. The aim is the extension of existing and the development of new material models for the structural simulation of wind turbine rotor blades.Led by: Claudio BalzaniTeam:Year: 2017Funding: Internal ProjectDuration: since 2016
© IWES / Nikolas Manousides
QuexUS – Quantification of Uncertainties in the Prediction of Excessive Vibrations in Wind TurbinesLarge multi-MW wind turbines are slender and highly dynamic systems that might face aeroelastic operation states with weak or negative damping. This project deals with the simulation of such critical states by applying different simulation tools. Together with project partners, we try to quantify the uncertainties linked to turbine model parameters and to the choice of the particular simulation tool.Led by: Claudio BalzaniTeam:Year: 2019Funding: BMWi (FKZ: 03EE3011B)Duration: 2019-2021
© IWES / Balzani
Completed Research Projects
Aeroelastic Stability of Wind TurbinesThis project considers how aeroelastic stability can be predicted via numerical simulations. For this purpose, turbine simulations in the time domain are utilised – e. g. runaway scenarios. Classical turbine configurations are treated as well as those equipped with smart blades concepts including passive bend-twist coupling and trailing edge flaps.Led by: Claudio BalzaniTeam:Year: 2016Funding: BMWi (FKZ: 0324032C)Duration: since 2016
SmartBlades2 - Manufacturing, Testing and Further Development of Smart Rotor BladesThe coordinated research project considers the further development of smart rotor blade technologies. These aim for a substantial reduction of mechanical loads acting on a wind turbine. The technologies under investigation are passive bend-twist coupling, active trailing edge flaps, and adaptive slats. Moreover, cross-technology topics are addressed that are relevant for all of these technologies.Led by: Claudio BalzaniTeam:Year: 2016Funding: BMWi (FKZ: 0324032C)Duration: since 2016
© Lee Jay Fingersh / NREL
Quasi-static Failure Analysis of Fiber Composites in Wind Turbine Rotor BladesA reliable failure analysis of rotor blades requires consideration of physically-based failure criteria for the fiber composite materials involved. In the framework of an internal project, the failure criteria according to Hashin and Puck have been implemented in the postprocessing unit of MoCA (Model Creator and Analyzer), an in-house blade design and analysis tool. In this way the software is able to perform quasi-static failure analyses of the composite parts of a wind turbine rotor blade.Led by: Claudio BalzaniTeam:Year: 2017Funding: Internal ProjectDuration: 2016-2017
© IWES / Heloísa Guedes Mendonça