since 02/2020Scientific staff at the Institute for Wind Energy SystemsLeibniz University Hannover
2018-2020Student assistant at the Institute for Wind Energy SystemsLeibniz University Hannover
2017Award in the category best Bachelor's Thesis or similarGesellschaft für Tribologie e. V.
2016-2019Master's studies in Wind Energy Engineering, Basic competence: Mechanical Engineering, Competence field: Wind and Mechanical Energy ConversionLeibniz University Hannover
2015-2019Student assistant at the Institute of Machine Construction and TribologyLeibniz University Hannover
2012-2016Bachelor's studies in Mechanical Engineering, Competence fields: Optical Technology and MechanicsLeibniz University Hannover
2010-2012Technical Product DesignerWilkhahn GmbH & Co. KG in Bad Münder, Germany
2008-2010Professional training as a Technical Product DesignerWilkhahn GmbH & Co. KG in Bad Münder, Germany
Felix Konstantin Prigge

Felix Konstantin Prigge
Appelstraße 9a
30167 Hannover
30167 Hannover

Felix Konstantin Prigge
Research Interests
- Finite Element simulations of damage propagation in adhesive joints of wind turbine rotor blades
- Extension of MoCA, the in-house Finite Element based design tool for wind turbine rotor blades
- Algorithms for Finite Element mesh generation of wind turbine rotor blades using 3D solid elements
- Finite Element simulation of the buckling behaviour of single and double curved sandwich panels
- Numerical analysis of the influence of predamage and imperfections on the buckling resistance of sandwich panels
- Wind Energy Technology II (Tutorial)